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Boundary Training Without Electronics

Boundary training really tests the self-control of the dog. There should never be a need for a cue from the human because in most cases, the human won't be there to ensure the boundary remains a boundary. If you start this training with choice and consistently allow your dog to choose staying on one side, it's easy.

Boundaries; we all have them, as adults and children and dogs. A boundary can be anywhere and even invisible; you just have to choose it. Even an invisible line in the sand can be trained as a boundary.Teaching your dog to respect a boundary is fairly easy. The challenge is in consistency. Dogs rarely understand sometimes; at least not from one person. Dogs understand that each human has his own rules about things and will respect the rules each person has, but for one person, consistency with the rules are vital or the dog will constantly test "how about now".

Would you like to train your dog to stay in your yard without resorting to electrical shock? There is a way to do it that is inexpensive, takes about the same amount of time, and is just as reliable as the electronic containment systems commercially available.

Wouldn't it be nice to be 100% confident that your dog will stay in your yard even without a fence or leash (ok, 95%)? Is there a room in your house your dog must remain out of, such as baby's room, your formal dining room, or your business office? Are you frustrated with your dog trampling your flowers in the garden you worked so hard on?

There are many ways to contain or control a dog including fences (visible or electronic), chains or tie-outs, pens, leashes, gates, etc. However, none are fool-proof and none truly provide your dog with freedom and a happy life, nor do they teach them anything, only contain them.

Boundary training is an easy and much more reliable alternative. It involves teaching your dog where a boundary line is and that he is not allowed to cross that line, EVER. It's not as hard as it sounds, just takes a little time and consistency. Fifteen or more minutes a day, every day, for a few weeks, and consistent reinforcement after that. Here's how to do it.

Prerequisites: It helps if your dog understands basic commands such as "Stay", "Back Up", "Leave it", "Come" and will heel on leash. Be aware that this method of training may not work on every dog. It is best to start with a puppy or young dog. Adults can also learn but it may take a bit longer depending on the dog. Only you know your own dog and how easily trainable they are. Most dogs can easily learn a boundary or "territory", and most are more than willing to do so. A neutered dog is less likely to want to roam.


This is the best class I have taken. I have learned so much about how my dog thinks and behaves, and this class gave me the tools to address everything from body part sensitivity to reactivity. I have seen dramatic improvements already, sometimes within a day of doing the games in the class, because I am finally understanding my dog better and working on her terms. I have Jamie to thank for our progress, she has been tireless and providing feedback and encouragement. Jamie gives 100%+ to this class (even before the class officially started, she was helping us out!), cares about all her students, and really wants both human and dog to thrive. I highly recommend this class to anyone with a dog!

Clarity & Calm in a Chaotic World [It Came Out Of Nowhere! - Handling Distractions]- this just might be the most important class I have ever taken. I watched my dog's behavior improve as he calmed down when things were unusual. I watched his confidence grow from week to week. I have never worked as hard in a class nor been so rewarded.

Jamie's approach is different from anything I have done before. I was impressed at how quickly we made progress. There are a lot of games and exercises but she helped narrow it down by what she saw in our baseline videos. She tweaked things based on what we did or said. She does not give all the steps right away because it is tailored to each team and their needs and their journey. I am still processing all of her material. 

Purchase Books on Boundary Training

Buy the PDF now. Kindle version available also. Please enter a note at paypal if you wish the Kindle version.

Don't Run In The Street


$ 4.99 Flipbook
15.00 Print

Would you like to train your dog to stay in your yard without resorting to electrical shock? There is a way to do it that is inexpensive, takes about the same amount of time, and is just as reliable as the electronic containment systems.

Houdini Hobbled


$ 4.99 Flipbook
15.00 Print

There are many ways to contain or control a dog. However, none are
fool-proof and none truly provide your dog with freedom and a happy life. Here is a method to contain and teach and create the self-control necessary to make the right decisions.

It Came Out Of Nowhere! - Handling Distractions


$ 4.99 Flipbook
15.00 Print

Distractions (things which move our focus and attention away) are everywhere. Like motivators, distractions are the basis of movement and seeding goals, resources and results.